Some Facts

Here are some facts which fascinated me:


Fact 1. Crocodile blood can kill HIV and MRSA.

If it’s true then it’s great.

Fact 2. Brain is more active at night than it is during day.

Wow! I never noticed it.

Fact 3. Loners tend to be more intelligent and loyal friends.

So true, I have a friend who is like this.

Fact 4. A 13 year old brain-dead boy from US, Trenton McKinley came back to life a day before the doctor pulled his wires and his parents signed to donate his organs.


Fact 5. German capital, Berlin is set to curb the growing population of crayfish by eating them. Permission to catch them from anywhere and sell them to restaurants and private individuals has been authorized.

I never ate crayfish (-_-)

Fact 6. Bananas are curved because they grow towards the sun.

I thought sunflower is the only one.

Fact 7. If you chew when you study a subject and then chew the same when you take the test it will help you remember.

Did anyone ever tried it?

Fact 8. Japan has a network of roads that play music as you drive over them.

That’s awesome!

Fact 9. The U.S. is the world’s largest exporter of sperm.


Fact 10. There are 1,100 species of bats in the world.


Fact 11. The White House listed as most haunted place in google map.

It can be true, many people who’ve lived, worked, and visited the White House have claimed to have had ghostly encounters. There were even reported sightings of Lincoln’s ghost during FDR’s administration.

Fact 12. The fear of poetry is called Metrophobia.

I never heard of this phobia before.

Fact 13. Slugs have four noses.

Actually they have four tentacles. They use these tentacles to gather information about their environment. The pair of tentacles located on the top of the head has a small black spot at each tip. These tentacles are used to detect lightness and darkness. The second pair of tentacles is located at the lower part of the head and functions as a nose, because they pick up chemical smells. They are also sensitive to touch. To find food, a slug uses all four tentacles.

Fact 14. Scientists have developed the world’s smallest computer, a device that measures just 0.3mm and could monitor and treat cancer.

That’s great!

Fact 15. Video games can either grow or shrink part of your brain, depending on how you play.

Well, I don’t play video games.

Fact 16. Zimbabwe has the highest unemployment rate worldwide, of around 95%.

And I thought India has.

Fact 17. Flowers can grow faster by listening to music.

Really! Did anybody tried?

Fact 18. Scientists have identified the brain circuit that can make parrot intelligent, allowing them to solve complex problems and exhibit more sophisticated behavior.

It’s true there are many birds and animals who are more intelligent than humans.

Fact 19. U.S. chose 00000000 as the password for its computer controls of nuclear tipped missiles for eight years.

Hahaha!!! And then they realized the trick is becoming old.

Fact 20. India is the only country that managed to reach Mars in the first attempt.

Proud to be an Indian.



Sources: inFact, Google.

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